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迷 失 爱 琴 海的英文

"迷 失 爱 琴 海"怎么读


  • lost in the aegean sea
  • "迷"英文翻译    be confused; lose one's way; ...
  • "爱"英文翻译    love
  • "失" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(失 掉; 失去) lose 失而复得 lost and found again; 因小失大 try to save a little only to lose a lot; 贪多必失。 grasp all, lose all. 她失去了美貌。 she has lost in beauty.2.(错过) miss; let slip 坐失良机 let slip a good opportunity; lose a good chance3.(没有达到目的) fail to achieve one's end 大失所望 be greatly disappointed4.(改变) deviate from the normal 失色 turn pale5.(违背;背弃) break (a promise); go back on (one's word) 失信 break one's promise6.(没有把握住) fail to get hold of 失手 have a slip of the hand; drop accidentally; lose hand (of)7.(找不着) get lost 迷失方向 lose one's bearingsⅡ名词(错误; 过失) mistake; defect; mishap 唯恐有失 fear that there may be some mishap; 智者千虑, 必有一失 even the wise are not always free from error -- one can't be too careful
  • "琴" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(古琴) qin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument in some ways similar to the zither2.(某些乐器的统称) a general name for certain musical instrument 风琴 organ; 钢琴 piano; 口琴 harmonica; 小提琴 violin3.(姓氏) a surname 琴张 qin zhang
  • "迷" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(分辨不清; 失去判断力) be confused; lose one's way; get lost 迷了方向 lose one's bearings; get lost; 当局者迷。 the player can't see most of the game.2.(沉醉于) be fascinated by; indulge in; be enchanted with [by]; be crazy about 迷上了溜冰 be crazy on [about] skating; 入了迷 be fascinated; be enchanted; 被她迷住了 be infatuated with her3.(使看不清; 使迷惑; 使陶醉) confuse; perplex; fascinate; enchant 财迷心窍 be befuddled by a craving for wealthⅡ名词1.(沉醉于某一事物的人) fan; enthusiast; fiend; maniac 棋迷 a chess enthusiast; 影迷 a movie fan; a film fiend; 财迷 moneygrubber; miser; 藏书迷 bibliomaniac2.(姓氏) a surname 迷唐 mi tang
  • "迷 ()" 英文翻译 :    fog of war
  • "海" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名1.(大洋靠近陆地的部分, 有的大湖也叫海) sea; big lake 渤海 the bohai sea; 出海 put out to sea; 洱海 erhai lake (in yunnan province)2.(比喻连成一大片的很多同类事物) a great number of people or things gathering together 林海 a vast stretch of forest; 人海 a sea of people; crowds of people; 血海 seas of blood; 云海 the sea of cloud3.(姓氏) a surname 海瑞 hai ruiⅡ形容词(形容容量、口气等大) extra large; of great capacity 海碗 a very big bowl
  • "爱" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(对人或事物有很深的感情) love 爱祖国 love one's country; 疯狂[盲目, 热烈, 真诚]地爱 love wildly [blindly, passionately, sincerely]; 深深[温柔]地爱 deeply [tenderly] love; 爱我中华, 修我长城。 love the chinese nation, repair the great wall.; love china, repair the great wall. 他爱钱胜过一切。 he loves money above everything else. 他真诚地爱他的妻子。 he loved his wife devotedly.2.(喜欢; 爱好; 喜好) like; be fond of; be keen on 爱看电视 like watching tv; 爱游泳 be fond of swimming; 他极爱开玩笑。 he is awfully fond of jesting. 他最爱踢足球。 he likes to play football. 我酷爱钓鱼。 i am dead keen on fishing. 她爱问长问短。 she likes to rubber-neck. 他是个爱问长问短的人。 he is a rubberneck.3.(爱惜; 爱护) cherish; treasure; hold dear; take good care of 爱公物 take good care of public property; 爱集体荣誉 cherish the good name of the collective4.(常常发生某种行为; 容易发生某种变化) be apt to; be in the habit of 爱发脾气 be apt to lose one's temper; be short-tempered; 铁爱生锈。 iron rusts easily. 食物在夏天爱变质。 food is apt to deteriorate in summer.Ⅱ名词1.(深厚的感情; 深切的关怀; 特指男女之间的爱情) love; affection 博爱 universal fraternity [love]; 母爱 maternal love; 永恒的爱 everlasting love; 强烈的爱 a keen affection; 他对妻子的爱转移了。 his affections were turned from his wife. 父母之爱深而真挚。 parental love is deep and true. 他的爱是以情感而不是以情欲为其经纬的。 his love had been woven of sentiment rather than passion.2.(姓氏) a surname 爱申 ai shen
  • "失 (史)" 英文翻译 :    paradise lost
  • "琴 (位)" 英文翻译 :    rntgen
  • "迷;扇子" 英文翻译 :    fan
  • "我想你爱,爱,爱,爱,爱" 英文翻译 :    i wish you love, love, love, love, love
  • "失1分" 英文翻译 :    lose a point
  • "琴 帕尔默" 英文翻译 :    gretchen palmer
  • "琴-依高夫" 英文翻译 :    gretchen egolf
  • "狂,癖,迷" 英文翻译 :    mania
  • "迷,爱好者" 英文翻译 :    enthusiast, fan; favourite
  • "迷(误)失进场" 英文翻译 :    missed approach
  • "海 (人物)" 英文翻译 :    spongebob squarepants (character)
  • "海 (型)" 英文翻译 :    fringe (hair)
  • "海 阳子" 英文翻译 :    soumi yoko
  • "海、湖" 英文翻译 :    dalay; thalassa; thale
  • "海,古称" 英文翻译 :    aral
  • "海,海洋" 英文翻译 :    sea
  • "海;海域" 英文翻译 :    sea
迷 失 爱 琴 海的英文翻译,迷 失 爱 琴 海英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译迷 失 爱 琴 海,迷 失 爱 琴 海的英文意思,迷 失 愛 琴 海的英文迷 失 爱 琴 海 meaning in English迷 失 愛 琴 海的英文迷 失 爱 琴 海怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。